CGLFF 2009: Beyond the Pink Curtain

124 min
Beyond the Pink Curtain
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Kommunismens fald i Europa gav mange friheden tilbage. Homoseksualitet blev legaliseret, men homofobi er fortsat udbredt i Østeuropa: Et pink tæppe har tilsyneladende erstattet det gamle af jern. Denne dokumentar påpeger imidlertid, at tendensen til at opstille Øst/Vest som (falsk) modsætningspar er en del af problemet. Det får os til at glemme, at homofobi også findes i Vest og overskrider nationalitet. Ikke alene har EU magt til og ansvar for at beskytte alle dets LGBT-borgere – Øst og Vest kan faktisk lære af hinandens kampe for ligestilling. Det kræver dog, at vi ser Beyond the Pink Curtain.

Filmen vises uden undertekster.

The death of Communism in Europe brought freedom to millions. Homosexuality was legalised yet homophobia lingers as an institutional practice in the East: a Pink Curtain has replaced the Iron Curtain. Other films have dealt with this issue but discounted homophobia in the rest of Europe. This one suggests that false distinctions make us forget that homophobia transcends nationality. Not only does EU have the power and responsibility to protect LGBT citizens everywhere – East and West can actually learn from each other in the struggle for equality. But only if we look Beyond the Pink Curtain.

'Beyond the Pink Curtain' will be screened without subtitles.

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