Aarhus Filmfestival - (R)evolution

90 min
(© Kino.dk)
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Inspireret og provokeret af de opdagelser instruktøren gjorde i sin tidligere film, Sharkwater, tager han ud på en rejse gennem 15 lande for at finde ud af, hvordan klodens økosystemer kan reddes. Fra døende koralrev og urskovsfældninger til et massivt ødelæggende projekt i Canada, afdækker han, hvordan alle menneskets handlinger er komplekst sammenhængende og hvordan uddøen af arter, øko-katastrofer, forurening og vandmangel reducerer Jordens egnethed til beboelse. In an effort to uncover the truth and find the secret to saving the ecosystems we depend on for survival, Rob Stewart embarks on a life-threatening adventure, following up on his film Sharkwater. From the coral reefs in Papua New Guinea and deforestation in Madagascar, to the largest and most destructive environmental project in history in Alberta, Canada, he reveals that all our actions are interconnected and that environmental degradation, species loss, ocean acidification, pollution and food/water scarcity are reducing the Earth's ability to house humans. How did this happen, and what will it take to change the course on which humanity has set itself?

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